REGUFOAM hangers
For premium sound control
When it comes to insulation of wood-frame ceiling constructions, elastic suspended ceilings are the go-to solution as they help improving the sound insulation within the low-frequency range.
Our REGUFOAM hangers are available in five standard types which cover load ranges between 5.5 and 42.0 kg per hanger and can be specifically designed to accommodate natural frequencies of 12 to 25 Hz. Ask the experts for more information on the complete range.

REGUFOAM hangers
Our REGUFOAM hangers are the perfect addition to a suspended ceiling system in wood-frame buildings to ensure the highest standard of sound insulation. Especially noise within the frequency range < 100 Hz can be mitigated significantly, even without mass-increasing fill to keep the construction height at a minimum. A study has shown that a suspended ceiling system with our REGUFOAM hanger QH.F 220plus achieves test results of Ln,w + CI50-2500 = 37 (+12) dB. In combination with our elastified and mass-increasing levelling fill REGUPOL comfort S1 as well as our impact sound insulation layer REGUPOL comfort 12 even higher sound reduction values can be achieved, i.e. Ln,w + CI50-2500 = 29 (+11) dB.
This shows that the sustainable approach to build with a natural resource like wood and a high-performance sound control can be easily combined with our solutions. Many different types of hangers within our range let you be flexible to fulfill different regulations and requirements for ceiling systems.